Thursday, April 4 - Grade 8 Field Trip to Post Secondary Schools in Lethbridge

On Thursday April 4, 2019 all of our grade eight students will be going to Lethbridge to tour the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College campuses. They will get to learn about different programs at the schools, and talk with former and current students. We have found this is a valuable day for students to start thinking about post-secondary opportunities before they move onto high school.
We will be departing the school at 8:45 AM and returning before 3:20 PM. Students will need to pack a lunch and snacks for the day. We have a busy day planned and there will not be time to purchase lunch. Students are expected to stay with their supervisor throughout the day. Risks may include possible slips, trips, and falls.
There will be no grade eight classes that day, as our grade 8 teachers will be supervising the field trip. Students who are not planning on attending need to stay home on that day.
If your student does not plan on attending, please call the school to excuse them prior to April 2, 2019. If you require any additional information please contact Jeremy Payne or Jennifer Scout at (403) 653-4958.