CJHS Return to School Plan

Hello CJHS Parents,
We are so excited to be able to start up a new school year and we are working hard to prepare a safe, caring, and great learning environment for our students. We know that there are many new challenges to face, and hope you will be willing to work together with us to help adjust to change, so that we can get to what we love--teaching and learning. We are working to follow safety guidelines from Alberta Health Services. We appreciate your patience, flexibility, and resilience as we return to school. We want to make this year a positive and smooth return, with a focus on making our school as safe and healthy as possible for everyone. We are listening to parents' concerns and feedback, and welcome ongoing communication as we endeavor to help our students transition back to learning at CJHS. Please keep sharing ideas, worries, thoughts and encouragement with us and Westind so that we can help make it a great year at CJHS for your child.
On August 31, 2020 (First day of school) we need your help with a staggered re-entry. Each grade will come at the designated start and dismissal time. Could you please make transportation arrangements to have them come on time and leave on time from the school? This staggered re-entry on the first day of school will enable our staff to introduce and establish CJHS’ protocols and routines that will be in place to ensure healthy procedures and assist each learner through the changes of this new school year. Please read carefully below for the correct grade’s start and dismissal times to ensure your child will come for their correct designated time.
August 31, 2020 (First day of school - times for each of our students at CJHS)
- Grade 6 starts at 8:30 AM - Dismissed at 10:30 AM
- Grade 7 starts at 10:45 AM - Dismissed at 12:15 PM
- Grade 8 starts at 1:00 PM - Dismissed at 2:30 PM
September 1, 2020 (Second day of school) Will be a regularly scheduled day for all students.
Here are a few of the changes we would like to share that we hope will help students and staff stay as healthy as possible throughout the school year. See further down for more details.
Start of the Day: Each student and family (including staff) are expected to complete the Daily Health Screen Checklist prior to each school day. Classrooms will have open doors when students arrive so that students feel welcome to go to their first class upon arrival. Having classrooms open will relieve congestion in hallways at the beginning of the day. The gym and library will be open as well so that students can find space to socialize while following social distancing awareness protocols. Students will be wearing masks until they arrive at their first-period class which includes their travel on the bus (except those with medical needs or other special needs).
Transitions: We are going to have 3 bells between classes where Grade 6 students leave 2 minutes early, then a bell where Grade 7 are released (Grade 6 are expected to be at their next class), then 2 minutes later Grade 8 students are released (Grade 7 are expected to be at their next class). Students are expected to move quickly and arrive at their next class by the next bell so that hallway congestion is reduced and can accommodate the next grade. All students will be wearing masks during transitions between classes.
Lunchtime: Additional classrooms will be opened up to help promote social distance awareness at lunch. This is in addition to both bleachers available in the gym, as well as space in the library and outside (during fair weather). We invite students to eat in small groups (cohorts) at lunch in a space where they feel comfortable. No sharing food this year. We have a few extra lunches at the office to help when a student is in need of one.
Class Time: Classrooms have been organized to spread out students as much as possible. Furniture (that is difficult to clean) and unnecessary clutter has been removed. Students in each grade are organized in cohort classes whenever it is feasible for student’s learning needs. Cohorting in a Junior High, where a student has more than one teacher, and where option classes are available is a challenge that we have and will continue to be mindful of in order to support student learning, health and safety.
Increased Cleaning: We have an incredible custodial team who have and will continue to perform increased sanitizing duties daily. Students will wash their hands regularly and practice respectful respiratory etiquette. We will have hand sanitizer set up around the school and in each classroom. We will also have clean cloths and cleaner in each classroom available to students for disinfecting surfaces before and after use as needed.
Increased Support: We recognize that all students and staff will need kindness, and care when dealing with stress, anxiety, and any challenge that we face with Covid-19. We are serious about creating psychological safety and safe spaces at our school. We commit to listening and providing support to help each student and staff feel safe and healthy at school. In connection with our welcoming, caring, and safe schools commitment at CJHS, we strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe and can learn.
All students and staff will be given 2 reusable masks. Staff will have access to a face shield as well.
Parental responsibilities this year are as follows:
- Complete the Daily Health Screen Checklist each day prior to sending your child to school
- Send your child with a clean face mask daily, lunch and necessary school supplies
- Pick up your child immediately if your child becomes sick during the day (This is a normal experience that happens to us all).
- Be positive and encourage your child to wear a mask and help us follow Alberta Health Services and Chief Medical Officer Guidelines so we can be as healthy as possible this year.
- Discuss with your child the importance of respecting all comfort levels of response to Covid-19 (ie. being a friend to others, showing empathy, kindness, wearing PPE, not judging others, showing respect for others etc.)
We know you are going to have questions, concerns and comments as we embark on this new school year. We welcome your input throughout this process. Our admin team, teachers, and parent council are always eager to support students and families! As a staff, we felt that the most difficult part of the last few months of our previous year was not having our students in school. On behalf of the CJHS staff, we are all looking forward to being together again. We know there are going to be many questions and challenges ahead. We believe that we can get through them together. Please know we are here to serve and help each child feel safe and be able to experience success. We will be working hard to communicate and support our families and communities this year in health and learning. Please see below for more details and information. We hope this will help answer many of your questions. Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you soon!
CJHS Admin Team
Jeremy Payne
Jennifer Scout
Candace Atwood