Yearbook Changes

Hi parents,
We have an new exciting yearbook class this year that Mrs. Hallock and Mrs. Nish are heading up. We have a eager group of students and are looking forward to a great yearbook to celebrate all of the events and memories at Cardston Junior High.
We will be changing the format a little this year because of increasing costs and the many yearbooks each year that go unclaimed.
Yearbooks currently cost approximately $25. Next year we will be charging $25 to cover the actual cost and it will be separated from the cost of school fees. This will be an optional fee so that parents only pay if they would like their child to have a yearbook.
We will only be printing the actual number of yearbooks that are pre-purchased in the current 2018-19 school year. We will be charging $15 to each student who wishes to buy one (as advertised this year). We have a list in the office of all parents who have paid for a yearbook as part of their school fees. Please call if you are unsure if your fees are up to date and we can confirm your purchase of a yearbook. You can also call if you would not like to have a yearbook and we will refund your $15 purchase for the 2018-19 school year.
Thanks for your support and please call the office if you need more information or have a question!
Mr. Payne