Bullying Awareness Week - November 15 - 19
Posted on November 2 2021Information
Turkey Trot: HUGE thank you to Extra Foods for sponsoring our event and donating the turkeys!!! We had a great run and thanks to all the parents who participated. Winners of the turkeys: Fastest Boy:…
October 8 - Non Instructional Day - No School October 11 - Thanksgiving Day
Quick reminder about our food drive! Please send items to the school or get them ready for pick up day!
Cardston Jr. High is having a Food Drive. The bags will be dropped off to the community on Oct. 4th and picked up on Oct. 7th. You can drop off food during school hours starting Monday, Sept. 13-October…
CJHS will be recognizing Truth & Reconciliation Day on Wednesday, September 29 by having an assembly. We invite you to wear an orange shirt on this day to show awareness and support. October 1 PD Day…
2020-2021 School Supply List
Back to School Night has been postponed. School Council will still happen at the same time via Zoom. See Link below Hi CJHS parents! Everyone is invited to our Parent Council zoom meeting on Thursday,…
2021/2022 Division Calendar
Picture Retake Day is October 18th.
1st day of school School starts at 8:30 with a warning bell and 8:35 classes begin. On the first day of school we will begin with a pancake breakfast for the whole school. We will give students pancakes,…
There will be a small popcorn & small pop available for purchase for the movie activity next week. Students will need to pre-order if they would like some. Grade 6 pre-order is due on Monday, June 14.…
The yearbook is optional. Those who have paid their fees would have been asked if they would like a yearbook and if they said "yes" they would have paid the amount at that time. If you have not paid your…
Monday, June 14 Permission Forms are due back by Friday, June 11 Please call the school if you have questions. 403-653-4958
Some Agenda Items: Supporting students & families online & in person Assessment plan to help students this year Celebrations, events, news, fundraiser Any parent items, concerns & questions Watch for…
Congratulations to Danica Mistaken Chief the Princess Pageant Winner!!! Honorable mention to Arlene Mistaken Chief who was the Runner Up. Congratulations to the Coloring Contest Winners! Grade 6: 1st…
We have been approved under Hockey Canada for our Hockey Skills Academy!5 spots left for Option A15 spots left for Option BRegister NOW! We extended the deadline to May 31st. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNGMwI7UF9-cq7C5yDnYgriOdm7gkdm6YgowZvr6-C1ISasw/viewform…