May 6 - 13 Native Awareness Week
Posted on April 15 2019Mon - Coloring Contest Tuesday - Taco Tuesday Wednesday - Tipi & Elder Visit Thursday - Princess Pageant Friday - Rock Your Mocs
Mon - Coloring Contest Tuesday - Taco Tuesday Wednesday - Tipi & Elder Visit Thursday - Princess Pageant Friday - Rock Your Mocs
The assembly will be from 1:20 - 3:20pm.
RE: GRADE 8 UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE/LETHBRIDGE COLLEGE TOURS On Thursday April 4, 2019 all of our grade eight students will be going to Lethbridge to tour the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge…
Spirit wear orders were sent home today and will be due back by April 3rd. All money and forms need to be sent to the office. Items not paid in full by April 3rd will not be ordered. Anyone from the community…
Parents and Students are invited to come view and celebrate student's work. Some of the projects students have been working on will be on display. Teachers will be available to explain the projects and…
Westwind School Division is excited to welcome Sam Bracken to our division next week. Students from CJHS will have the opportunity to hear Sam speak on Tuesday, February 5 at 10:00am. They will be joined…
2018/2019 Westwind Division Basketball League Schedule
We have reviewed the increasing costs for lift tickets, equipment rentals, transportation, and changes to supervision ratios on the ski hill to decrease inherent risks to our students. After consulting…
Friday, January 25 - Last Day Hexmester 3 Monday, January 28 - First Day Hexmester 4
CJHS Drama Class Presents: "Shrek the Musical Jr" January 22, 23 & 24 @ 6:30pm at Carriage House Theatre Tickets can be purchased at the door and it is rush seating. Adults - $7 Students/Seniors - $5…
School Resumes on Monday, January 7, 2019
Hi parents, We have an new exciting yearbook class this year that Mrs. Hallock and Mrs. Nish are heading up. We have a eager group of students and are looking forward to a great yearbook to celebrate…